
We are here to work with you!



Many times you can get so caught up in your relationship that you forget who you really are. You completely lose track of your own needs.   If this is you and you have just emerged from an unhealthy relationship, you may be asking, “Who am I?”

I have been in this situation and after I escaped, I decided to learn how it all happened.  I went back to school, got a masters in Social Work and a Ph.D. in Psychology. I became a therapist and later a coach and spent over 12 years in advanced education and coach training so that I could figure out how and why I had allowed it in my life,  Now I want to help you find a much shorter way to reinvent your unique  path forward. 

If you have recently gotten out of an unhealthy relationship, I would love to tell you about my 6 step program to healing after your breakup.




It may seem impossible, but it definitely is not! You can start a whole new life, just begin right now by you making a choice to take care of yourself!


If you would like to hear more about my individual coaching or my 6 Step Program, please reach out and

Contact me at 727-501-2366 to talk or contact me on!

I look forward to talking with you!

There is only one direction to go from here!

It always seems like you could possibly lose more than what you have already, but the truth is you only have the most to gain by making a decision that could change and save your life!  We are here to help guide you in the right direction and would love to ensure you have the right support in doing so!

The best solutions for your future

We are here to help guide you and it starts with these few steps on here.

  • We definitely want to start by ensuring your safety on here.

  • Once you feel safe, then we can start building from there.

  • With coaching and group support, you can overcome anything you thought was impossible before. 

  • We are here for you!


Contact Us Today!

No matter the circumstance, one phone call can make all the difference and we are here to help!


Still Have Questions?

If it is an emergency, please call your local authorities and you can call me immediately for any assistance after.

We are a professional team here to help!

Even though it seems like everything is messed up, it’s not and there is always a way to manage everything moving forward and sometimes we just need a little help!